Art in motion
We collaborated with local visual artist @ellenalourens to reimagine our heritage logo in her unique style. She describes her style as minimalist contemporary, with reference to ancient design and influence of emotion.

Get to know the Artist
Get to know the Artist Who is Elléna Lourens?
My name is Elléna Lourens, I grew up in Cape Town, South Africa, and I have been working on personal and collaborative creative projects since I was in School. Most recently with a focus on both street art and acrylic canvas work.
What do you do?
I do Street Art, painting, embroidery and illustration.
What interested you in becoming an artist?
I am drawn to honest expression, and personal growth and discovery through your own efforts, weather it be painting, singing, filming or acting etc, I was able to find this path through art. I feel as though becoming an artist in some form was for me inevitable.
How would you describe your art style?
I would describe my style as minimalist contemporary, with reference to ancient design and influence of emotion.
What inspires you? Which theme / subject do you like to illustrate and explore?
I am very inspired by unaffected expression of emotion. Exploring feelings of anguish, longing, torture, triumph, stillness. I am currently, largely exploring the physical expression of emotion, and creating emotion through form.
How would you describe your artistic process? Are there any specific tools or techniques you use?
I usually begin with a feeling I want to capture, and then work out the design from there. Or, I will find a design, and from there, manipulate it into what I want to express. I don’t have any specific tools or techniques which I use.
Where is your favourite place to create?
I have become very accustomed to designing in my bedroom, but have recently moved in to a studio which is far better, I would say anywhere that I can be alone is my favourite place to create.
What are you currently working on?
Currently I am building up a collection of works for my end of year solo Exhibition, which will be at 99 Loop Gallery, in December.
If you weren’t creating art, what would you be doing?
If I wasn’t painting, I would be filming, directing/acting, making music, some other form of creative expression.
Is there anything about the field you are in that you’d like to share with new artists?
Be prepared to work harder than you think you can.
What is your own favourite artwork?
Its hard to choose, but recently, I am massively inspired by the works of Egon Schiele.
Longtime loves of mine are The Pieta, by Michelangelo, and The Kiss, by Klimt.