Joslin Abrahams – Jos van die Bos

Inspiring Real Adventures

Joslin lived in the forest without electricity or running water until she was 18 years old.

She loved growing up in the wild. She loved climbing trees, listening to the sounds of the forest, looking at the stars at night and listening to her family’s stories by the fireside in the evenings. They don’t call her Jos van die Bos for nothing. Sometimes she wonders if her life would have been different if somebody had just taken the interest to teach her something new at a young age. Who knows, she might have become a professor or a scientist.

Women Hiking


But Joslin isn’t one to dwell on what could have been. She is a proud resident of the Stormsriver Township, and with her can-do attitude and that spark in her eye that makes everything seem possible, she rather focuses on what could be.

The first time she decided to teach the local kids into the forest she was expecting 5 or 6 to turn up. The next morning, there were 38 kids eagerly waiting outside her door – ready to explore!

She takes them out whenever she can, teaching them about the Tsitsikamma Forest, the Stormsriver Mouth Marine Protected Area, Astronomy and the importance of conservation and keeping their river clean and healthy.

Women Hiking Waterfall

Joslin hopes that her efforts will create ripples of positive change in her community; and that by letting the nearby nature seep into the lives of the township kids something will spark, somebody will find a dream, and make it come true. Truly, inspiring.

Written By: AWEMYBRU

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